If you have visited Barcelona, you have no doubt seen the impressive structure that is La Sangrada Familia. Five generations of Catalans have born witness to the project since the cornerstone was laid in 1882. The project cannot be separated from the genius of Antoni Gaudi whose innovative brilliance was generally not recognized
until 30 years after his tragic death.
Perhaps your project has not been subject to civil war and premature death of your project manager. But we’ve all run into funding issues, increase in scope and a lack of focus on the goal. Our deep experience and proprietary framework can get your runaway project back on track or help you find the funding for that great idea. We’re not here to bring in an army of consultants but provide a way of working that is transformational. Sandcastle Advantage gives you a competitive advantage. We are always looking for new opportunities and would love to share some insight.

Change the way you work, stop having consultants tell you how to do things and achieve your goals on your timeline.
For more information on Sangrada Familia, visit theirwebsite at https://sagradafamilia.org/en/